Get Sound Advice and Effective Advocacy in Your Divorce
At Stebelton Snider, our divorce practice starts with our ability to listen to our clients. We take whatever time you will need to let us know about your marriage, your spouse, your children, and the main points of uncertainty you have about your divorce.
Once we get to know the specifics of your situation, our lawyers give you a solid understanding of your legal options. At this point, you can start to develop your own goals for yourself and your children. Whenever possible, we look for ways to achieve your objectives through negotiation. If there is no way around it, however, we will aggressively pursue your rights in the courtroom.
To learn how experienced family law attorneys can demystify the divorce process and help you achieve what you need to, contact Stebelton Snider in Lancaster, Ohio. We handle cases at every point along the spectrum from simple uncontested divorce to complex cases involving difficult property division, or child custody issues.
Let Us Put You at Ease As We Guide You Through Your Divorce
Although our role as your legal adviser and advocate is extremely important, our clients also depend on us to guide them through the practical and emotional aspects of divorce. Anxiety, resentment, anger, and depression can all interfere with good decision making, and you will need to make good decisions at various points of your divorce case because those decisions have lasting consequences.
We Give You the Guidance You Need to Make Difficult Decisions
Unless you can come to agreement with respect to each of the following points as they might apply to your situation, you will need to decide whether to compromise or fight about any of several issues:
- Spousal support (alimony)
- Child support
- Division of the marital property
- Division of the marital debts
- Child custody
- Visitation
Divorce can be effected by the terms of a prenuptial agreement, either spouse’s problems with domestic violence or substance abuse, or disagreements as to whether a particular asset or liability should be shared.
In some cases, your dispute may be a good candidate for resolution through mediation or even a collaborative approach to divorce negotiations. In others, it will be very hard to keep your case out of court.
Because we understand that every divorce is different, we adapt our client service approach to your needs and circumstances. For more information about our experience with simple and complex divorce, contact the law firm of Stebelton Snider in Lancaster, Ohio, at 740-654-4141.